A Flavour of What's to Come

By Doe Charles

All too often we get to this point in the semester and have a strange, and sudden desire to combust from everything that we've managed to take on, with only the thought of Flexible Learning week to get us through. As I write I'm sat here dreaming of the blissful week off... except, if you're well seasoned at the university, you'll know this isn't to be the case, and you'll be rushed off your feet regardless. The point is, university keeps on going, and before you know it you'll be deep in coursework, sipping coffee, claiming you rightful desk at the library, and pretending that you're actually getting work done. Again, speaking from experience here. Problem with this is that it leaves little time to think about what we're going to be doing with our summers, our careers, and frankly our lives. This is terrifying, much like a deep cavernous abyss, that we sort of dive head first into after university, or in my case, it will probably be a trip and a stumble. Oops. What to do? Other than staring into the abyss and praying that you find some way to reach an answer whilst doing nothing, considering a career change to a science - they all get jobs, right... (truly a false statement) - or using some sketchy, somewhat nepotistic links, there is another solution. Oh yes, because having a publication and running a blog wasn't enough, PublishED have you covered with some easily digestible nuggets of careers wisdom. Oh ho ho, an end to the abyss, all at a social hour, where you can mingle with people in the industry? 

After that incredibly long introduction - credits to you if you managed to get through it all - here's a line up of what publishED has to offer.

Illustration in Publishing:

5th February
LG.09 David Hume Tower
7 - 9 pm

An event for all things illustration, in which we'll be hearing from illustrators Eilidh Muldoon and Augusta Kirkwood, author/publisher Alan Windram and literary agent/ co-founder of Picture Hooks Lucy Juckes. Discussion will cover what place illustration has in publishing, from its role in storytelling, to how you can get involved. It will all be led by Catriona Cox, from Picture Hooks, who has experience at Edinburgh Book Festival, SYP and more!

PSA: This is not just for people wanting to illustrate... I personally can't illustrate to save my life, but I do like having a bit of a picture going on in a book every now and again, and, without an illustrator, we wouldn't have the very hungry caterpillar - now that would be a travesty. 

The Life of a Book: with 404 Ink and Chris McQueer

28th February
Cabaret Bar - Pleasance
7 - 9 pm

Come along to hear publisher 404 Ink (co-founders Heather McDaid and Laura Jones) and their author Chris McQueer discuss how a book goes from an idea to printing, and everything that happens in between!! This is the event for you if you want to get an idea of publishing from the perspective of publishers and artistic creator - plus, Chris is going to be reading an excerpt which can best be described as dark humour.

PSA: This is a local publishing house, and everyone involved is really awesome and friendly... like really lovely, and funny. It's a bit of a win all around.

Islands in Scottish Literature with Malachy Tallack


This one is a bit of a pet project of mine, but that's because Malachy Tallack is an author that deserves a lot more recognition than he is given. The motif of islands is frequent within his work, having lived in Shetland, and he uses this to weave complex narratives about the relation of people to these wild lands. If you take nothing else from this, you should definitely pick up one of his books - I personally would recommend his latest, The Valley at the Centre of the World, for a journey into family and tradition and our core ideas of love; or, 60 Degrees North which artfully weaves its way across the 60th parallel, detailing our relation to the land and community.

PSA: Malachy is also a great public speaker, so prepare to be swept into his stories.

So, there we have it, a line up of all that is to come (although there is more). Whether you're interested in becoming an illustrator, learning how to publish, or indeed, just want to become an author or engage in the creative world, we have something for you. Hopefully, we'll see you at some of our events!
