The Layman's Guide to the (Scottish Publishing) Galaxy

By Doe Charles

It's that time of year again, the one where we pretend to do our revision whilst doing anything but. I, myself, am a master of this, my friends and family frequently hearing things like: what do you mean I don't have time to make an entire ballgown from scratch? You mean to tell me that now isn't the time to learn a whole new language? Guys, I don't think you understand how big a plot hole this is in Outlander, I mean, yes, I only know this because I've read five of the 1000 page books, but, still, don't you get it! 

What I am trying to convey here is that, despite our best intentions, Christmas, and procrastination can sometimes get away with us (not saying being able to origami fold wrapping paper is a bad thing in my eyes, but, my tutors disagree...) So, instead, I have come up with the perfect solution - productive procrastination. I've decided to give you guys some wonderful information about the world of Scottish publishing, and everything it has to offer. Well okay, not everything, that would take years, and I actually do still need to revise. I've even given you guys some links so that if you're intrigued you can go and have a look at their wonderful websites. Really though, I've given you an excuse for a ton of procrastination, all in the name of "job research".

But first, I feel I should probably address one reason why publishing, and creative writing, is such an important part of Scottish culture - yes, the Harry Potter tours do serve a weird purpose. James Crawford summarised it pretty well in a video that was made by Publishing Scotland for a campaign, so rather than butchering his words, here's the link to the video.

In addition, if you guys are yearning for more information about the history of publishing in Scotland, this is a pretty succinct summary of some of the key moments:

I was going to write out a whole handy-dandy list of Scottish Publishing Houses, but I then found this one and didn't think I could do a better job... So instead here's one more link:

I can actually recommend the entire website from the link above - very handy thing for finding out lots of things about what is going on in Scotland.

Finally, Scottish publishing (*obviously*) wouldn't be complete without PublishED, so on one last note (before I stop procrastinating) we have some very exciting things and events planned for the new year ranging from a talk on the ins and outs of illustration, through to a conversation about Scottish myths with Malachy Tallack. There's also a ton of other bookish and publishing events coming up from the CCCF festival through to even more SYP events. 

Hopefully, I've left you more informed, and given you some things to think about whilst drinking all those baileys hot chocolates. I've barely touched the surface, there's so much happening, and with new publishing houses springing up all the time, the best way to keep up is to come to all the different events happening over the city - you won't regret it!

Merry Christmas, and Happy Reading!
