
Showing posts from January, 2019

A Flavour of What's to Come

By Doe Charles All too often we get to this point in the semester and have a strange, and sudden desire to combust from everything that we've managed to take on, with only the thought of Flexible Learning week to get us through. As I write I'm sat here dreaming of the blissful week off... except, if you're well seasoned at the university, you'll know this isn't to be the case, and you'll be rushed off your feet regardless. The point is, university keeps on going, and before you know it you'll be deep in coursework, sipping coffee, claiming you rightful desk at the library, and pretending that you're actually getting work done. Again, speaking from experience here. Problem with this is that it leaves little time to think about what we're going to be doing with our summers, our careers, and frankly our lives. This is terrifying, much like a deep cavernous abyss, that we sort of dive head first into after university, or in my case, i...

Finding Your Roots: PublishED as a Community

By Chiara Hampton The new semester is upon us, bringing with it fresh aspirations and anxieties. Uni calendar dates may be arbitrary divisions of time, but these artificial beginnings provide excellent opportunities to seek out new experiences. Last September marked the start of my first year of university: an ideal moment to put down roots. As an English student, I was naturally drawn to literary organizations, among them PublishED. After their annual bookshop crawl, I joined the society and have attended every event since. You’ll have likely ascertained that my goal here is to encourage you to capitalize on this period of uni recalibration and give the society a try. Information about our events and the literary magazine we produce are readily available on this very site, yet they do not fully encapsulate the personal and atmospheric aspects of the society. Instead, this post is dedicated to (and here I accept the risk of drawing on the vacuous vocabulary of school boards and ur...