
Showing posts from February, 2019

“No Unicorn Books… please!”: Illustration in Publishing in review

By Doe Charles Too often illustrators and designers are neglected in the publishing world. How often do you hear about the author of a novel, or even the house? It’s pretty often; now compare this to how often you hear about the illustrators - it’s vastly different. In an attempt to quash this difference (albeit on a small scale because we are but one society) PublishED decided to host a panel event on illustration in publishing, an event affectionately now titled: No Unicorn Books… Please. Some pretty amazing speakers came to talk to us, from a range of different backgrounds, and they shed light on various aspects of the industry. What’s that? You couldn’t make it, I hear? Fortunately, we’ve got you covered. Phewph, that was a close call.

The Background Problem: Should we separate fact from fiction?

By Chiara Hampton Walking into the world of a novel blind has a quality of excitement. You’ve not yet been influenced by reviews, academic contexts, the particularities of the author’s biography. Perhaps it was the cover that drew you in or the recommendation of a friend. In any case, nothing exists in your mind but the text itself. You note the writing style before beginning to untangle the first threads of an unfamiliar story. By the time that story concludes, you’ve created an impression both personal and isolated.